All 26 verses of Psalm 136
Throughout Psalm 136, we see the goodness of God proclaimed by His people. First through praise (vs. 1-3), Creation (vs. 4-9), then through their deliverance from Egypt (vs. 10-16), the conquering of enemy kings (vs. 17-22), to redemption and provision (vs. 23-26). The Israelites reflected on God’s goodness as seen in Psalm 77:11-12, “I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.” Memorizing and meditating on this psalm helps believers join in the generational praise and thanksgiving to the God of heaven. Whether you are in a season of rejoicing or sorrow, you too can find comfort in the God whose mercy endures forever.
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