by Scripture Memory Fellowship
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The Scripture Memory Podcast

The Vision

The Scripture Memory Podcast exists to help you in your journey of memorizing God's Word. We're here to inspire new memorizers and cultivate veteran memorizers to learn the Bible for the glory of God! In each episode, you'll find rich content from our hosts, as well as compelling stories and strategies from special guests.

The Hosts

Dakota Lynch
Executive Director
Dakota is the developer of VerseLocker and the Executive Director of Scripture Memory Fellowship. Dakota oversees program development and manages the day-to-day operations of SMF.
Randy Williamson
Program Administrator
For 15 years, Randy served in pastoral ministry at churches in rural Mississippi and Arkansas. He now resides in Texas, where he works full-time as SMF's Program Administrator.
Hannah Kohner
Digital Ministry Coordinator
Hannah’s passion for Scripture memorization ignited as a young teenager after the in-depth study of Scripture transformed her life. She now enjoys her full-time work as SMF’s Digital Ministry Coordinator.

The Heritage

Since 1977 Scripture Memory Fellowship has been committed to using multiple avenues to engage God's people to memorize His Word. Our mission is to cultivate systematic Scripture memorizers who know Jesus Christ and grow in His likeness for the glory of God. Visit to find out more about the Ministry of SMF.