Doctrinal Adult 1: The Infallible Word

Doctrinal Adult 1: The Infallible Word

Timeless Treasures

Timeless Treasures

Doctrinal Adult 1: The Infallible Word

As low as $5.00

Memorize 106 verses on the doctrine of God's Word with 7-8 verses per week for 15 weeks.

8.5" x 11"

"Therefore all Your precepts concerning all things I consider to be right..." (Psa. 119:128). God's Word accomplishes His purpose, and the doctrine of God-breathed writings is well worth knowing and defending. The Infallible Word, the first memory book of the Doctrinal Adult series, teaches fifteen lessons of 7-8 verses each for a total of 106 verses. In-depth notes and thought-provoking application questions accompany the Scripture.