Kansas City Scriptorium
"...I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.”
(Romans 11:4)
Let’s face it, memorizing Scripture – especially in large quantity – is not in vogue. Some people look at you like you also own pet otters! But as in Elijah’s day, God still reserves for Himself children who love Him and value His Word. A Scriptorium is a great place to meet them.
At the Kansas City Scriptorium, 66 people quoted through the majority of Luke and Acts. Voices reciting the Word of God from memory brought us from the birth of Christ through the Pauline travels of the early church. Precious children spilled forth His Word, giving evidence of their parents’ teaching labor. But also adults—who so often are “too busy” or “can’t memorize”—also stood and recited, giving proof that what we desire to retain, we can retain. In Luke 4, we heard a tag-team recitation of Jesus’ temptation by the devil. Then the Parable of the Sower and the Seed was dramatically given. A team of fourteen divided the Gentiles’ welcome in Acts 10. 23 students from Indonesia even joined us by Skype and recited in English, not their native tongue.
Of course, we squeezed in delights of fellowship also – meals graciously prepared by the hosts, Scripture songs by Gloria Thorne, and a workshop by Marquis Laughlin. Memorize “to hear God better,” he taught us. His energetic, yet poignant Acts 1-9 recitation set a high bar of example for quality presentation.
Accountability and encouragement – that’s an atmosphere memorization thrives in. And that’s just what a Scriptorium offers. Check out the Ohio Scriptorium June 25-27 featuring the writings of John. Or start up your own! Open an opportunity for faithful memorizers in your area to come out of the woodwork, meet, and edify as they share God’s Word with one another. You will be encouraged!