
Two Inseparable Things

Two Inseparable Things
I’ve seen many book titles over the years. Some make you stop in your tracks when walking through an airport, while others make you shake your head and walk away. For most people, an eye-catching title is all it takes for a hand to extend and pick up the book. But in the hundreds of books I’ve ...
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Introducing 14:6 - The Life

Introducing 14:6 - The Life
Do you want to grow in your relationship with Christ? Allow Scripture to guide you toward a more committed life of obedience with SMF’s newest resource! 14:6 - The Life provides a systematic overview of what it means to follow Christ by emphasizing key spiritual disciplines. Over the course of 28 weeks, you’ll memorize up to 84 verses that will help you mature as a disciple. With God’s Word hidden in your heart, you will “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18).  ...
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Beginning with Your Youngest Memorizer

Beginning with Your Youngest Memorizer
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6)  Earnest Christian parents are eager to begin discipling their children. However, we tend to have a romanticized or idealized image of it all. The reality proves different. Children are easily distracted and sometimes fight the very instruction they need. What do we do? In this short blog, we’ll answer four critical questions about the why and how of working with your youngest memorizer.   ...
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More Than a Memory

More Than a Memory
Life is filled with memories. Some we forget, some we don't. One memory I'll never forget is from when I was just three years old. I remember listening from the backseat of the car as my mom would play Scripture songs on the CD player.   Each verse I heard was essential in developing a new love for God's Word. I soon realized that although these songs were great pastimes, the verses attached to them couldn't afford to remain as such. They needed to be more than a distant memory in my life.    For this positive outcome, I had to exercise intentionality and consistency. I had to set my mind on memorization—not just observation. As with most things in life that we retain, my Scripture memory journey began with an intentional desire to remember.  ...
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Overcoming Stress With Bible Memory

Is it possible to live without stress amidst the busyness of the 21st century? In this bonus episode of The Scripture Memory Podcast, we'll learn the biblical answer. Fellow host and Executive Director of Scripture Memory Fellowship, Dakota Lynch, will highlight the connection between Scripture ...
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Ministry Update

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.”(Isaiah 40:8) Scripture Memory Fellowship’s home state, Texas, is currently enduring one of the hottest summers on record. In July, temperatures exceeded 100 degrees a total of 27 days. Despite my best efforts ...
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Listen to Episode 2 - The Three W's of Memorizing Scripture

Fruitful Scripture memorization doesn't happen in a vacuum. Bible memory is a spiritual discipline that requires sacrifice and planning to do it consistently. Have you established a personal process for memorizing? If not, this episode is for you. In episode 2, our hosts will discuss "The ...
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Listen to the First Episode of The Scripture Memory Podcast

After much prayer, planning, and preparation The Scripture Memory Podcast is ready for launch. In this inaugural episode, our hosts will answer an essential question for seasoned pros and newbies alike: "Is Scripture Memorization Still Important?"  We live in an age ...
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Now Available: Give Me This Mountain

Scripture Memory Fellowship is excited to announce the release of a brand-new Scripture memory course: Give Me This Mountain – The Senior Saints’ Guide to Spiritual Victory. This Scripture memory course is designed specifically for elder saints and presents biblical truths to comfort, convict, ...
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Podcast: Why Is Scripture Memory Important?

SMF was recently interviewed on The Stewardology Podcast by Life Institute. In this episode, we examine the important question, "Why is Scripture Memory important?" Whether you need some fresh motivation to keep memorize yourself or you'd like to persuade your friends to begin memorizing, this ...
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