Beginning with Your Youngest Memorizer
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6)
Earnest Christian parents are eager to begin discipling their children. However, we tend to have a romanticized or idealized image of it all. The reality proves different. Children are easily distracted and sometimes fight the very instruction they need. What do we do? In this short blog, we’ll answer four critical questions about the why and how of working with your youngest memorizer.
1. Why Should You Memorize Scripture with Your Children?
The Bible Commands It.
According to Deuteronomy 6:6-7, parents should memorize and meditate on the Word themselves, and from that starting point, give their children instruction in the Scriptures through Bible memory.
Your Children Need It.
Think of all the issues your children will face. The Enemy and fallen society rages against them. The Scriptures hidden in their heart are the remedy against these forces.
2. When Should You Start?
It’s Never too Early.
The goal is for Scripture memory to become a way of life for your children. The sooner you get them acclimated to this rhythm of life for the family, the more likely it is to take root in their lives.
It’s Never too Late.
For whatever reason, perhaps you did not teach Scripture memory to your children. Take heart, and do not be discouraged. It is never too late to begin. There is always a way, no matter how old.
3. How Should You Approach It?
Your Expectations Should be Reasonable.
Parents should be careful to make sure that their expectations for their preschoolers are reasonable. Early success will determine in many ways whether they continue in adulthood.
Your Methods Should Be Simple.
Young minds have short attention spans. Whatever method you use should be simple.
4. What Texts Should You Use?
Choose Simple Texts.
The verses you choose should be simple to fit their level of understanding. You might also go for short verses so they will have a sense of accomplishment quickly when they finish a verse.
Choose Essential Texts.
The verses should also feature essential content regarding the Faith. From the earliest age, you should acquaint them with the fundamentals. Teach them gospel verses especially.
If you want to begin with your youngest memorize, consider SMF’s brand-new resource called God Made the Mountains. God Made the Mountains helps children learn the first thing Scripture reveals about God: He is our Creator (Gen. 1:1). In addition to examining various aspects of Creation, God Made the Mountains is designed to help children know and love Scripture "from childhood," so they may be made "wise for salvation" and "equipped for every good work" (2 Tim. 3:15,17). Click here to learn more.
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