Randy Williamson

Randy Williamson

Introducing Contentment

Introducing Contentment
Contentment is a memory course that takes you through 20 verses on Christian contentment. A devotional for each lesson is provided as well as devotionals for each passage. Answer the study questions on your own or with a friend. ...
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Beginning with Your Youngest Memorizer

Beginning with Your Youngest Memorizer
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6)  Earnest Christian parents are eager to begin discipling their children. However, we tend to have a romanticized or idealized image of it all. The reality proves different. Children are easily distracted and sometimes fight the very instruction they need. What do we do? In this short blog, we’ll answer four critical questions about the why and how of working with your youngest memorizer.   ...
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Try the Deep Cuts of Scripture

Try the Deep Cuts of Scripture
I like music of all kinds. From classical and bluegrass to jazz fusion, music finds a happy home in my ears. One of my favorite ways to explore material is through streaming platforms. Most of these services have an “Essentials” playlist of various artists that features their most popular tunes. I tend to listen to these tracks first. Then, if I like what I hear, I will try out a “Deep Cuts” playlist, which showcases an artist’s more obscure pieces. It is so rewarding to explore those tunes. I often find hidden gems. ...
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Tips for Memorizing During Christmas

Tips for Memorizing During Christmas
Advent is a wonderful time of the year. During this season, we look back on our Lord’s first coming and, with anticipation, expect His return. However, for many families, this marks not a time for quiet reflection but a month of travel, parties, and shopping trips. It is easy to lose the season’s meaning amid so many activities. The Christmas holidays can cause many memorizers to struggle to continue the daily discipline of Bible memory. Numerous memorizers have done well throughout the year, only to lose their progress at Christmas. Some of us have faced the difficult task of trying to start anew on January 1st. With proper planning, we can overcome the challenges December poses and finish the year strong. How can we navigate the season while avoiding the potential hazards? Consider three tips for memorizing during Christmas. ...
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Make Room for Christ at Christmas: How to Memorize During the Holiday Season

Make Room for Christ at Christmas: How to Memorize During the Holiday Season
I love Christmas! Intentionally reflecting on the Incarnation, listening to fabulous Christmas carols, visiting family, and exchanging gifts are truly meaningful. What is not so great is the busy schedule that often accompanies the holiday season. Multiple parties, crowds everywhere you go, and the ...
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Change History by Memorizing God's Word

Change History by Memorizing God's Word
At the end of the month, society will hold various festivities for Halloween. Unfortunately, our culture’s celebration will overshadow an even more important event on that day – the start of the Reformation. On October 31, 1517, a German monk named Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the ...
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Make the Italian Run

Make the Italian Run
Can actors teach us anything about Scripture memory? Absolutely! Their techniques offer a veritable goldmine of tips for Bible memorizers. Actors essentially earn their living by memorizing and reciting what they learn, so they have many ideas to offer memorizers. Many actors use an old method ...
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Listen to Episode 2 - The Three W's of Memorizing Scripture

Fruitful Scripture memorization doesn't happen in a vacuum. Bible memory is a spiritual discipline that requires sacrifice and planning to do it consistently. Have you established a personal process for memorizing? If not, this episode is for you. In episode 2, our hosts will discuss "The ...
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Listen to the First Episode of The Scripture Memory Podcast

After much prayer, planning, and preparation The Scripture Memory Podcast is ready for launch. In this inaugural episode, our hosts will answer an essential question for seasoned pros and newbies alike: "Is Scripture Memorization Still Important?"  We live in an age ...
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Now Available: Give Me This Mountain

Scripture Memory Fellowship is excited to announce the release of a brand-new Scripture memory course: Give Me This Mountain – The Senior Saints’ Guide to Spiritual Victory. This Scripture memory course is designed specifically for elder saints and presents biblical truths to comfort, convict, ...
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