Grateful: Five Reasons to Thank God This Holiday Season
Thanksgiving is more than just a time for feasting on turkey, gravy, and cranberry sauce.
Above all, it is a season to reflect on God’s abundant blessings and to express our gratitude to Him, as Scripture reminds us in James 1:17: “Every good and perfect gift is from above.”
Here are five reasons our staff here at Scripture Memory Fellowship and VerseLocker are thanking God:
1. His Continual Presence With Us, Especially in Trials
Thank God that His presence is always with us (Matt. 28:20), especially in trials (Psa. 46:1). He knows our path (Psa. 142:3) and will bring a resolution to our affliction (Psa. 145:19).
2. His Limitless Power, Giving Possibility to the Impossible
Take this time to remember the battles God has already won in your life (Psa. 63:6-7). Unchanging, all-knowing, and all-powerful, God's timing, and His answer, is always perfect (Isa. 25:1).
3. His Ear That Bends Down to Hear Us
I thank God that He has bent down His ear to hear His children (Psa. 120:1). As Scripture indicates, for God to hear is for God to answer. Because of this biblical reality, we can call upon Him as long as we live (Psa. 116:2).
4. His Gentle, Patient Dealing with Us
I thank God that He is not heavy-handed in His dealings with us—that His discipline and chastisement is gracious (1 Chron. 21:13, Prov. 3:11-12). Though we may sin severely, when we repent and return to Him He restores us—not to lowly servanthood as we deserve, but to sonship (Luke 15:19-24).
5. His Providential Orchestration of Life's Events
Most of us have seen God turn a curse into a blessing and bring beauty from the ashes (Deut. 23:5). Other times, we’re left to trust His plan even when His fingerprints are hard to see. I’m thankful we can trust in the goodness of God even while His plans are still unfolding.
Would you like to discover more reasons for thanking God? Try our memory course Thanking God. Use this short collection to cultivate a heart of gratitude and recognize His blessings. Click here to download it today.
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