
The Increase is the Lord's

The Increase is the Lord's
Parents, it can be a struggle getting your children to memorize. You can reward, you can prod, and you can plead with them, but if there is no desire, the moment you stop pushing and prodding, they stop memorizing. It can be terribly frustrating and disheartening. Sometimes, you wonder if you are doing any good at all. You are the ones I want to encourage today. ...
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The Importance of Rewards in Scripture Memory

The Importance of Rewards in Scripture Memory
“You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul...” – Deuteronomy 11:18a When I was 14, I was memorizing less than a dozen scattered verses a year. A year later, I memorized the entire book of Jonah. What changed? The answer: I was offered a reward. I memorized all 48 verses of Jonah because a ministry offered me a full scholarship to their week-long summer camp if I could memorize and recite the whole book in one sitting. That ministry was Scripture Memory Fellowship. I was so excited that by the time the recitation deadline came, I was ready. That week of camp was one of the highlights of that year, and I continued to memorize for camp for three years after that until I graduated. ...
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Two Inseparable Things

Two Inseparable Things
I’ve seen many book titles over the years. Some make you stop in your tracks when walking through an airport, while others make you shake your head and walk away. For most people, an eye-catching title is all it takes for a hand to extend and pick up the book. But in the hundreds of books I’ve ...
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Beginning with Your Youngest Memorizer

Beginning with Your Youngest Memorizer
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6)  Earnest Christian parents are eager to begin discipling their children. However, we tend to have a romanticized or idealized image of it all. The reality proves different. Children are easily distracted and sometimes fight the very instruction they need. What do we do? In this short blog, we’ll answer four critical questions about the why and how of working with your youngest memorizer.   ...
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Memorizing 365: Lessons from a Verse a Day

Memorizing 365: Lessons from a Verse a Day
In 2022, I set a goal to memorize 365 verses in 365 days. My reason was simple: If Scripture memorization was as important as I was making it out to be, should I not give it the daily attention it deserves? At the very least, shouldn't I give it the same attention as other tasks I believe to be less important?    As N.A. Woychuk once said, "God specifically commands us to memorize His word so that we can have it in our hearts. This is His will and plan for us. We cannot escape it. We dare not say to Him, ‘I don’t have time,’ or ‘I just cannot memorize.’ The second reason why we must memorize Scripture is because we cannot really ‘live’ without it.” ...
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More Than a Memory

More Than a Memory
Life is filled with memories. Some we forget, some we don't. One memory I'll never forget is from when I was just three years old. I remember listening from the backseat of the car as my mom would play Scripture songs on the CD player.   Each verse I heard was essential in developing a new love for God's Word. I soon realized that although these songs were great pastimes, the verses attached to them couldn't afford to remain as such. They needed to be more than a distant memory in my life.    For this positive outcome, I had to exercise intentionality and consistency. I had to set my mind on memorization—not just observation. As with most things in life that we retain, my Scripture memory journey began with an intentional desire to remember.  ...
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Lessons on Scripture Memorization from Psalm 136

Lessons on Scripture Memorization from Psalm 136
I remember the first time my eyes glanced over Psalm 136 and read its words with one thought in mind: What if I memorized this chapter?  It seemed like a daunting task. Memorizing verses of praise and reflection on God’s mighty acts towards His people seemed like an encouraging place to land a Scripture memory goal - but there were twenty-six verses.   ...
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Try the Deep Cuts of Scripture

Try the Deep Cuts of Scripture
I like music of all kinds. From classical and bluegrass to jazz fusion, music finds a happy home in my ears. One of my favorite ways to explore material is through streaming platforms. Most of these services have an “Essentials” playlist of various artists that features their most popular tunes. I tend to listen to these tracks first. Then, if I like what I hear, I will try out a “Deep Cuts” playlist, which showcases an artist’s more obscure pieces. It is so rewarding to explore those tunes. I often find hidden gems. ...
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Tips for Memorizing During Christmas

Tips for Memorizing During Christmas
Advent is a wonderful time of the year. During this season, we look back on our Lord’s first coming and, with anticipation, expect His return. However, for many families, this marks not a time for quiet reflection but a month of travel, parties, and shopping trips. It is easy to lose the season’s meaning amid so many activities. The Christmas holidays can cause many memorizers to struggle to continue the daily discipline of Bible memory. Numerous memorizers have done well throughout the year, only to lose their progress at Christmas. Some of us have faced the difficult task of trying to start anew on January 1st. With proper planning, we can overcome the challenges December poses and finish the year strong. How can we navigate the season while avoiding the potential hazards? Consider three tips for memorizing during Christmas. ...
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First Impression is the Last Impression?

First Impression is the Last Impression?
“And how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 3:15). I still remember the first time I met young people passionate about memorizing God's Word. I was around fifteen years old and had just joined a new sport that, to my surprise, centered on Bible memory. The company's director had developed an optional program to memorize dozens of verses throughout the year. On top of that, my coach had already committed several books of the Bible to memory. I soon found out that nearly every peer of mine was participating in this optional program, and oddly enough, they enjoyed it. I spent a few months observing from the sidelines before finding myself going home with a list of verses in hand. Then the question arose: How do I memorize a Bible verse? ...
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