Spring Ministry Update

Spring Ministry Update

At the heart of SMF’s ministry is a conviction that Bible memory deserves to be a normal part of the Christian life. Every book we publish, every event we attend, and every digital resource we produce is designed to advance this cause and plant God’s Word where it belongs: in hearts.

This year, one of the ways we are pursuing that mission is by hosting more live events than any year in recent memory. Please pray for us as we promote Scripture memory in South Carolina, Ohio, Missouri, Tennessee, Maine, Florida, Texas, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, and New York over the next few months. Visit scripturememory.com/events to see if we’ll be coming to a city near you.

In addition to more than a dozen live events, this spring and summer will bring several new memory courses from SMF. Our staff is in the final stages of developing Songs of the Soul Volume 1, a memory course featuring key verses from the book of Psalms along with devotional material from Charles Spurgeon’s Treasury of David. We’re also preparing to release Serving God in the Rain, a 12-week study that addresses the problem of human suffering and explores how God ultimately works all things “together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28).

Please join us in praying that God will be glorified in the launch of these and other memory courses, and that many lives would be impacted by His Word. Pray also for the continued growth of our digital ministry. By God’s grace, SMF is reaching tens of thousands of people every month in over 100 countries through VerseLocker, The Scripture Memory Podcast, and our YouTube channel. We plan to expand our digital ministry this year by producing a new collection of Scripture songs. If you would like to invest in these initiatives and support the cause of Scripture memory with a donation, please scan the QR code below or use the enclosed envelope. As always, “may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all” (2 Thess. 3:16).


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