Dakota Lynch

Dakota Lynch

Rewiring Our Hearts

“The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” (Psa. 119:130) In a time when darkness and confusion prevail, God’s Word is the ultimate source of light and understanding. I was recently reminded of this truth after completing a small home improvement ...
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Debunking 3 Myths About Memorizing Scripture

Perhaps the most common Scripture memory myth is the idea that hiding God's Word in your heart requires a prodigious memory. The truth is, yes, you do have a bad memory — and that's exactly why you ought to be memorizing Scripture! If that seems counter-intuitive, think of it this way: athletes may be in excellent shape physically, but they don't benefit from exercise as much as those who are out of shape ...
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The Unopened Toolbox

In nearly every area of life, doing something well requires a certain amount of homework. Successfully installing a new light fixture, assembling a bookshelf, or changing the oil in your car is unlikely to go smoothly if you don’t at least read the instructions. Depending on the size and ...
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When Memorizing Isn't Fun Anymore

Memorizing Scripture is one of the most worthwhile ways to spend time. By hiding God’s Word in your heart, you will be well-prepared for the day of adversity (Psa. 119:92), well-equipped to share the Gospel (Rom. 10:17), and well-guarded against sin (Psa. 119:11). But what do you do when ...
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When Life Doesn't Seem Wonderful

In the classic Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey gives up his dream of traveling the world. He instead stays in the small town of Bedford Falls where he manages a small building and loan company. After years of selfless service to his friends and neighbors, George finds ...
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Got Peace?

Life can be stressful. As the alarm sounds each morning, you wake up to find work, school, meal prep, and soccer practice all headed your way at top speed. Another day, another 16 hours of chaos. In the midst of this daily struggle, peace often feels like an idealistic fantasy. That's why the word " ...
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Is Your Check Engine Light On?

Few things in life are more unnerving than a check engine light. Isn't it amazing how a single light bulb carries the potential to ruin your whole day? Suddenly, a peaceful drive to the grocery store is replaced by a nerve-racking trip to the mechanic. What will they say? How much will it cost ...
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Phone: ✓ Wallet: ✓ Keys: ✓

There are certain things we don't leave home without. For most of us, it's a short list: phone, wallet, and keys. You check your pockets for them constantly and your heart skips a beat if something is missing. These items are simply too important to leave home without, so you look for them when they ...
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Crossroads: Preparing Your Children for Adulthood With Bible Memory

Over the last four years, I’ve traveled to Christian conferences across the country. As I meet dozens of parents at these events, I often turn to their young children and ask if they can quote any Bible verses. As you might expect, John 3:16 and “Jesus wept” are among the most common responses ...
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On your mark, get set, snooze?

After a long week at work, few things sound better than sleeping in and enjoying a lazy Saturday. But imagine instead being awakened by the rude sound of your alarm clock. As you roll over and see the time -- 7:00 a.m. -- you groggily remember you were planning to exercise this morning. Your first ...
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Items 11 to 20 of 101 total