
First Impression is the Last Impression?

First Impression is the Last Impression?
“And how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 3:15). I still remember the first time I met young people passionate about memorizing God's Word. I was around fifteen years old and had just joined a new sport that, to my surprise, centered on Bible memory. The company's director had developed an optional program to memorize dozens of verses throughout the year. On top of that, my coach had already committed several books of the Bible to memory. I soon found out that nearly every peer of mine was participating in this optional program, and oddly enough, they enjoyed it. I spent a few months observing from the sidelines before finding myself going home with a list of verses in hand. Then the question arose: How do I memorize a Bible verse? ...
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It’s Always Been Within Reach

It’s Always Been Within Reach
"What does this Bible verse mean? Do you think there's a reason you are sitting next to me on the airplane right now? Is God trying to get my attention?" the young Jordanian girl asked me while looking intently into my eyes. Our plane had just begun its descent into Minneapolis. She wanted an answer, and my Bible was underneath the seat in front of me.  I was twelve years old when I began my desperate search for ways to effectively share the gospel with unbelievers. ...
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We Need Your Help!

Since Scripture Memory Fellowship's founding in 1977, we've seen Bible memory change lives! For the last 46 years, our mission has been to help people experience the life-changing impact of delighting in God's Word through Scripture memory (Psa. 119:92-93). We've produced dozens of Scripture memory programs, hosted annual weeks of Scripture Memory Camp, and seen countless lives changed by the power of God's Word. All along the way, God has provided for the needs of this ministry through the generous support of His people. We aren't sponsored by a megachurch or denomination; instead, God's provision flows through hundreds of donors just like you. These donations fund our staff and resources like VerseLocker, The Scripture Memory Podcast, Scripture Memory Camp, and dozens of printed memory courses. ...
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Summer Ministry Update

"Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps" (Psalm 135:6). God's plans always work together for His glory and the good of His people (Eph. 1:11-12; Rom. 8:28). But God does more than add silver linings to dark clouds; He sovereignly controls every ...
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Are You Ready for the Fish?

Jonah is known for being God’s stubborn prophet who runs away from the task God set before him. He is swallowed by a great fish that God had specially prepared for this purpose, and after praying in repentance, he is delivered from the fish and has a second chance at following God’s command. ...
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Does Frequency Matter?

Does Frequency Matter?
How often should I memorize Scripture? Is it okay to go months without memorizing at all? Does frequency matter? You might face these questions as you start on your Scripture memorization journey.  The best way to find answers to these questions is by going to Scripture itself. Psalm 119:9-11 ...
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Overcoming Stress With Bible Memory

Is it possible to live without stress amidst the busyness of the 21st century? In this bonus episode of The Scripture Memory Podcast, we'll learn the biblical answer. Fellow host and Executive Director of Scripture Memory Fellowship, Dakota Lynch, will highlight the connection between Scripture ...
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Make Room for Christ at Christmas: How to Memorize During the Holiday Season

Make Room for Christ at Christmas: How to Memorize During the Holiday Season
I love Christmas! Intentionally reflecting on the Incarnation, listening to fabulous Christmas carols, visiting family, and exchanging gifts are truly meaningful. What is not so great is the busy schedule that often accompanies the holiday season. Multiple parties, crowds everywhere you go, and the ...
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Who Will You Memorize For?

Memorizing Scripture is not for me. Wait, let me try that again. Memorizing Scripture is not for me, only. The Word of God has been given to the people of God, not only for our instruction and encouragement but for the sake of Jesus’s praise and the benefit of others. You might be familiar with ...
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Change History by Memorizing God's Word

Change History by Memorizing God's Word
At the end of the month, society will hold various festivities for Halloween. Unfortunately, our culture’s celebration will overshadow an even more important event on that day – the start of the Reformation. On October 31, 1517, a German monk named Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the ...
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Items 11 to 20 of 158 total