
Make the Italian Run

Make the Italian Run
Can actors teach us anything about Scripture memory? Absolutely! Their techniques offer a veritable goldmine of tips for Bible memorizers. Actors essentially earn their living by memorizing and reciting what they learn, so they have many ideas to offer memorizers. Many actors use an old method ...
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Ministry Update

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.”(Isaiah 40:8) Scripture Memory Fellowship’s home state, Texas, is currently enduring one of the hottest summers on record. In July, temperatures exceeded 100 degrees a total of 27 days. Despite my best efforts ...
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Is Memorizing Scripture Still Important?

Is Memorizing Scripture Still Important?
How many Bibles do you own? If your family is like most, you probably have several physical copies of God's Word in addition to the Bible app on your smartphone. As we enjoy virtually unlimited access to Scripture, it can be tempting to view Bible memory the same way we view running a marathon: a ...
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Memorizing Scripture in a Fast-Paced Society

Memorizing Scripture in a Fast-Paced Society
“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” (Eph. 5:15-16) In today's fast-paced society, it isn't difficult to find ourselves subconsciously trying to keep up with its pace. When the world tells us to purchase a ...
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Listen to Episode 2 - The Three W's of Memorizing Scripture

Fruitful Scripture memorization doesn't happen in a vacuum. Bible memory is a spiritual discipline that requires sacrifice and planning to do it consistently. Have you established a personal process for memorizing? If not, this episode is for you. In episode 2, our hosts will discuss "The ...
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Listen to the First Episode of The Scripture Memory Podcast

After much prayer, planning, and preparation The Scripture Memory Podcast is ready for launch. In this inaugural episode, our hosts will answer an essential question for seasoned pros and newbies alike: "Is Scripture Memorization Still Important?"  We live in an age ...
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Now Available: Give Me This Mountain

Scripture Memory Fellowship is excited to announce the release of a brand-new Scripture memory course: Give Me This Mountain – The Senior Saints’ Guide to Spiritual Victory. This Scripture memory course is designed specifically for elder saints and presents biblical truths to comfort, convict, ...
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Scripture Memory for Generational Discipleship

As Christian parents, we are responsible for imparting a biblical worldview to our children (Eph. 6:4). Bible instruction must begin in the home (Deut. 6:7)! Our families provide a unique opportunity for generational discipleship (Psa. 78:4).  Parents should disciple their children on a number ...
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Reset: How to Restart Bible Memorization

A former Secretary of State once famously met her Russian counterpart with a large button marked “reset.” The need was obvious. Old Cold War tensions had been on the rise. Unfortunately, sentiment did not translate into action and much of the distrust remains. Sometimes our work of Bible ...
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The Memory Sheath

It is late in the day, and darkness is beginning to shroud the forested path as a young knight is riding on his way to the king’s castle. Suddenly, out of the shadowy gloom beside him springs a man clad in dark armor. The dark knight rushes the young warrior with sword drawn, closing the distance quickly. Instinctively, the young knight reaches to his side and unsheathes his sword in one fluid motion ...
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Items 21 to 30 of 158 total