
Rewiring Our Hearts

“The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” (Psa. 119:130) In a time when darkness and confusion prevail, God’s Word is the ultimate source of light and understanding. I was recently reminded of this truth after completing a small home improvement ...
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Debunking 3 Myths About Memorizing Scripture

Perhaps the most common Scripture memory myth is the idea that hiding God's Word in your heart requires a prodigious memory. The truth is, yes, you do have a bad memory — and that's exactly why you ought to be memorizing Scripture! If that seems counter-intuitive, think of it this way: athletes may be in excellent shape physically, but they don't benefit from exercise as much as those who are out of shape ...
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Now Available: Scripture Songs from Genesis to Psalms

Songs stick! If you want Bible verses to stay in your head, matching the words to music is a tried-and-true technique. That's why Scripture Memory Fellowship is excited to release a brand-new collection of Scripture songs for SwordGrip Old Testament: Genesis to Psalms. These 28 catchy tunes will ...
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Why Joy is Better than Happiness

One of the most common phrases that you will hear people say is, “I just want to be happy.” In many minds, happiness is the highest level of satisfaction where everything is going according to plan and life is good. But what happens when plans go awry and life takes a turn for the worse? In this ...
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Why Rewards?

At SMF, we believe the treasure of God's Word hidden in your heart is the best reward for memorizing it. But sometimes tangible rewards are a helpful way of staying motivated. They can also be a powerful motivator for memorizing Scripture—especially for children. From time to time people ask us ...
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3 Obstacles to Memorizing Scripture

Memorizing Scripture can seem like a daunting task. Many people feel like they are just too busy to memorize. Others don’t understand its importance, or they simply don't know how to get started. The good news is that these obstacles can be overcome! Here are three common obstacles to ...
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3 Tips for Memorizing Scripture

If you’re anything like me, memorizing can be hard and sometimes frustrating. Sometimes it seems as if I almost have a verse memorized, and then the next day I feel like I’ve forgotten it and am right back where I started! Over the years, however, I have discovered several tips and tricks that ...
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The Bible is on My Phone, So Why Memorize?

  “When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the LORD...." (Jonah 2:7)   God's Word in your pocket is no substitute for God's Word in your heart! While smartphones allow us to have Scripture at our fingertips, the greatest joy belongs to those who ...
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The Unopened Toolbox

In nearly every area of life, doing something well requires a certain amount of homework. Successfully installing a new light fixture, assembling a bookshelf, or changing the oil in your car is unlikely to go smoothly if you don’t at least read the instructions. Depending on the size and ...
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When Memorizing Isn't Fun Anymore

Memorizing Scripture is one of the most worthwhile ways to spend time. By hiding God’s Word in your heart, you will be well-prepared for the day of adversity (Psa. 119:92), well-equipped to share the Gospel (Rom. 10:17), and well-guarded against sin (Psa. 119:11). But what do you do when ...
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