
Podcast: Why Is Scripture Memory Important?

SMF was recently interviewed on The Stewardology Podcast by Life Institute. In this episode, we examine the important question, "Why is Scripture Memory important?" Whether you need some fresh motivation to keep memorize yourself or you'd like to persuade your friends to begin memorizing, this ...
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New Memory Course: The Classics

"Where do I begin?" People often ask this question when starting the journey of Scripture memorization. It can be daunting, but Scripture Memory Fellowship is here to help with our new memory course. The Classics is a simple memory course of 100 key Bible verses everyone should know ...
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Preventable Disaster

We’re enduring a wave of apostasy in the American church. The casualty list includes celebrities and our own children. “From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more” (John 6:66). Perhaps this falling away is an end-times necessity (2 Thess. 2:3). But could some of ...
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Why Parents Should Memorize Scripture

Parents, have you considered what legacy you will leave behind for your children? Have you made preparation for the future? Fathers and mothers plan for their family's future in different ways. Some take out a vast life insurance policy. Others start a college fund while their children are still ...
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Commit the Morning Watch to God

Andrew Murray considered dedicating the first 30 minutes of the day to God as essential to his spiritual well-being. He described it as "the morning watch" saying, "We know of no act attended with larger good to ourselves or others than the formation of an undiscouragable resolution to keep the morning watch and spend the first half-hour of the day alone with God." ...
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Is Your Compass Pointing True North?

Hikers and explorers use compasses to navigate home. Under ordinary circumstances, compasses point true north. But more than one environmental force can skew that sense of direction... ...
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The Secret to Memorizing Scripture

When it comes to memorizing Scripture, one of the most common obstacles is the idea that it will be easier tomorrow, next week, or next month. We tell ourselves that the busyness of the moment will soon pass and that, when it does, we will get back to Scripture memory and the other spiritual ...
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It's Harvest Time!

By every standard, 2020 has been an unusual year. When nearly all of our spring and summer events were cancelled, it seemed difficult to find a silver lining to the dark cloud of COVID-19. But it soon became clear: God was at work, and the end result was a tremendous year filled with progress and opportunities. In the words of Joseph, “God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day” (Gen. 50:20). Here are just a few examples of how God has been at work this year: ...
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Swordsmanship Takes Practice

We learn God’s Word by heart, but why? Treasuring God-breathed words (2 Tim. 3:16) brings joy, but that’s not the end of the journey. Blankets are great on a cold winter’s night, but they do no good folded up in the closet. Owning a nice mountain bike is a great thing, but you won’t enjoy the benefits if the bike hangs upside down in your garage. It’s great having tasty ribeye steaks in your freezer, but the real enjoyment of a steak comes in the eating of it. ...
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Mountains & Sandcastles

"Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” (Psalm 90:2) If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that life as we know it can change. Our careers, plans, and hobbies can quickly vanish and give way ...
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Items 31 to 40 of 158 total